This is a companion patch to Larry Harris’ FontFaker71 which allows you to put up the appearance that the "Fonts" folder is really a "Resources" folder, with name and icon family to match. It does not modify the behavior of the "Fonts" folder, just the appearance.
Read the FontFaker documentation!!!!!!! Be extremely familiar with ResEdit!!!! Then do this:
Make a copy of your system file (7.1). Open this copy in Resorcerer or ResEdit. Copy the resources from the resource file that accompanies this text file to the system file copy. Yes, you want to replace resources with the same ids. Save, quit ResEdit. Move your current system file out of the system folder. Put your patched copy of the System file into the system folder. Make sure you name the copy "System" (no quotes!!), and restart. Now, there should be a "Resources" folder in the System Folder, as well as the old "Fonts" folder. Move the entire contents of the Fonts folder into the Resources folder. Restart once again. Congrads, you now have a working resources folder in place of your fonts folder. You can now throw out the Fonts folder, and your old System file as well. You still need FontFaker to actually be able to use resources other than fonts in the "Resources" folder. This is only a simple hack, after all.
Note: The Finder will probably still refer to this folder in dialog boxes as the "Fonts" folder. This will be fixed in the next version of this patch, whenever I get around to releasing it. You could probably fix this yourself, just search through the "STR#" resources for all references to the
"Fonts" folder, and change them to "Resources".
I make no guarantees about this patch, and am not responsible for damage resulting from its installation/use. You MUST HAVE FONTFAKER (and/or KNOW WHAT IT DOES and use a plain type/creator changer to emulate it) for the resource folder to actually be used a resource folder.
However, I have been using this patch for a few hours now, and both my sounds and fonts work nicely in the "Resources" folder.